The rebalancing training was really out of this world, I enjoyed it a lot and it was a big learning experience for me. There was so much to learn, all the different moves I first thought that I would not be able to remember all of them but there was enough time to learn them all, and I now feel confident in my work and the playful Attitude is beginning to come.
I learnt allot about my own body and how to sit, stand, walk, work and rest in a manner that is not against the body but with the body as it turns out it is usually the most simple method of doing things and the lest energy consuming.
The morning meditation and exercise where always very fun and enriching I actually miss them allot now while I’m back home.
I have noticed allot of change in myself from the time before I went to the training and now 2 weeks after. I view the world in a very different manner I let other people have their own opinions and viewpoints and I feel no need to force mien on to others and see that every thing is just as it should bee everything is perfect. One can almost say that I witness more than before.
Friends and Family said that I look different and I think that has to do with the improved posture which I try and hold and pay increasing attention to and awareness in day to day activities. In this regard the posture has helped me allot.
I have realised that Rebalancing is a really powerful tool for transformation, as I have noticed on myself and also others. I want to practice mainly Rebalancing on clients.
J.P. Hartman – Namibia

This was one month of the year that I wish didn’t go by so fast, I enjoyed every moment. Bianca Helwig
It is very difficult to explain something so great and life changing, words are to limited. I will surely never be the same and I couldn’t be happier, things have been opened in me I even didn’t know existed. It is very humbling, you slowly become more in touch, aware, alive, and connected with yourself people and the enviroment.
In the safety of the training you feel safe to go deep in yourself.
Antoinette Pretorius.

The Rebalancing Course has been an awesome experience which holds a space for people to really ‘meet’ each other on a level that is beyond language and physical touch. This is not a new experience for me.
What has been a new experience for me, is really meeting my own body for the first time! I have become aware of how my body is truly a holding place for all of me while I live on earth. I have discovered that it is “fully furnished” with my past, my present and my future. I don’t know what I thought was holding me together before, but clearly prior to this course, I had no bone, muscle or skin that I was aware of! I think I was just a wave of emotion and spirit before and have now come ‘home’ to all of me.
I have come to appreciate what an incredible memory data base our body holds – not just the brain, but our entire body.
And I have learnt how to ‘springclean’ in the easiest, most relaxing of ways – it clears out the cobwebs, oils the hinges, and leaves space for one to invite more of oneself and others in.
The course was presented really well in a manner that leaves one feeling as if no physical or mental work has been done, but rather I feel as if I have been on a 4-week retreat, and yet I have learnt more than I can put into words right now.
I look forward to sharing this gift with others.

The Rebalancing course is by far the most rewarding and enjoyable course i have attended.
The theoretical anatomy was discussed in a simple, relaxed and fun manner, with clear and easy notes, and some home study in the evenings. If ever there was unclarity, Prasado always took his time to explain again.
The practical side of the course was marvelous, giving and receiving deep tissue massages on a daily basis had a extremely beneficial effect on my body, and within days i looked and felt more energized, healthier and happier.
The benefit of always working with another classmate also made me more confident to work with all body types.
The most rewarding part of this course was the healing and harmonizing of oneself, a gift that money cant buy.
The day always started wth meditations, giving us the opportunity to experience so many different types, and by the end of the course everybody found a type that worked for them.
During this course i released so much baggage and pain that i have been trying to get rid of for many years, i learned the gift of loving and respecting myself and learning a greater awareness. Realizing that so many of the answers i have been searching for is within me. I feel so much more alive, grounded, and humble.
I can not recommend this course enough. Prasado is a fantastic teacher, and an inspiration, and in my perfect world i would wish that all people will have the opportunity to learn from such a soul.

The Rebalancing Course has been an awesome experience which holds a space for people to really ‘meet’ each other on a level that is beyond language and physical touch. This is not a new experience for me.
What has been a new experience for me, is really meeting my own body for the first time! I have become aware of how my body is truly a holding place for all of me while I live on earth. I have discovered that it is “fully furnished” with my past, my present and my future. I don’t know what I thought was holding me together before, but clearly prior to this course, I had no bone, muscle or skin that I was aware of! I think I was just a wave of emotion and spirit before and have now come ‘home’ to all of me.
I have come to appreciate what an incredible memory data base our body holds – not just the brain, but our entire body.
And I have learnt how to ‘springclean’ in the easiest, most relaxing of ways – it clears out the cobwebs, oils the hinges, and leaves space for one to invite more of oneself and others in.
The course was presented really well in a manner that leaves one feeling as if no physical or mental work has been done, but rather I feel as if I have been on a 4-week retreat, and yet I have learnt more than I can put into words right now.
I look forward to sharing this gift with others.