The main concept of REBALANCING is that the body and mind are one, and both are the home of the soul.

Rebalancing was developed in the 1980’s by a group of health practitioners of different disciplines, such as Rolfing postural integration Heller Work Cranio sacral balancing Tragering Physiotherapy and massage. They were working under the guidance of OSHO to develop Rebalancing Deep tissue massage therapy. The idea was essentially to create a new form of bodywork that would take the best of the presently existing modalities and imbue them with a deeper perspective than was currently available. The main component of this new approach was to make awareness compassion and meditativeness a central feature of the work. Through work on the physical we can influence and regulate the balance of the whole person. It is a powerful method to release deep-seated tensions in the body, mind and feelings.
REBALANCING frees tensions through deep slow and skillful strokes, which are carried out with great ease. The client is encouraged to breathe deeply, to express and connect to whatever he is exploring at that moment, in an invitingly gentle way. REBALANCING educates to become more free and upright. Living in the body becomes a liberating experience. REBALANCING is a process of transformation that elevates the patterns of thought feeling and energy flow.
REBALANCING is unique among the deep tissue therapies, in that the session structure is a tool to work with and not a rigid structure to cling to. Besides the scientific knowledge of the strokes, precise anatomy and body reading, there is a lot of room for creativity and artistry on the part of the practitioner.

Rebalancing Trainings are available in different places around the world and are provided by qualified and experienced teachers. The training is an self-transformational process, as well as a preparation in holistic bodywork. You will learn how to systematically free the body from tensions and constrictions, so to allow the body itself to reorganize.
This process brings more grace and easiness of movement, a realignment of the posture, reducing the “noise” in the whole body-mind system and opening the door to understanding and to awareness.
You will experience directly how it is possible to open to your body and become more conscious of its existence, and learn about body reading.
This training is suitable for people of any background that are interested in discovering the interactions of body- mind processes through direct experience, as well as further studies for people in medical, psychological or social professions.